Kompletny ostatnio brak czasu sprawia, że moje wpisy pojawiają się dość rzadko. Postaram się jednak co pare dni wrzucić coś ciekawego. Przyszła piękna złota jesień pełna kolorów, które uwielbiam. Ranki stały się bardzo chłodne a wieczory dłuższe. Pora poszperać w szafie i wyciągnąć cieplejsze ubranka. Ostatnio będąc z córką w jednym z secendhandów znalazłyśmy ciekawy płaszczyk. Wiek z metki 8 lat firma Pepe Jeans London. Kosztował 10 złotych. Ma klasyczny krój, ciekawą podszewkę. Mała lubi ubierać go do kozaczków zakupionych w Auchanie za 15 złotych z motywem panterki. A Wam jak się podoba?
A complete lack of time lately makes my entries appear quite rarely. I will try, however, to throw something interesting every few days. A beautiful golden autumn came full of colors that I love. The mornings have become very cold and the evenings are longer. Time to rummage in the closet and pull out warmer clothes. Recently, with a daughter in one of the secendhandów, we found an interesting coat. Age from the label of 8 years Pepe Jeans London. It cost 10 zlotys. It has a classic cut, an interesting lining. Little likes to dress him for boots bought in Auchanie for 15 zlotys with panther motif. And how do you like it?
A complete lack of time lately makes my entries appear quite rarely. I will try, however, to throw something interesting every few days. A beautiful golden autumn came full of colors that I love. The mornings have become very cold and the evenings are longer. Time to rummage in the closet and pull out warmer clothes. Recently, with a daughter in one of the secendhandów, we found an interesting coat. Age from the label of 8 years Pepe Jeans London. It cost 10 zlotys. It has a classic cut, an interesting lining. Little likes to dress him for boots bought in Auchanie for 15 zlotys with panther motif. And how do you like it?
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